ISP8 is the eighth edition that will be held at University of Luxembourg from September 2-5 2025

ISP8 is the eighth edition that will be held at University of Luxembourg from September 2-5 2025

ISP8 is the eighth edition that will be held at University of Luxembourg from September 2-5 2025

70 ans de pressiomètres / 70 years of pressuremeters
Symposium International pour le 70ème anniversaire du pressiomètre
International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Pressuremeter
2 au 5 Septembre 2025, LUXEMBOURG
2nd to 5th of September 2025, LUXEMBOURG

Symposium aims

The International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Pressuremeter ISP8 will offer an opportunity to exchange experience between contractors, manufacturers, geotechnicians from design offices and contractors, scientists and academics.

The technical exhibition will presents the latest methods and technologies and the most advanced testing equipments and materials.

Call for abstracts and papers

Papers on any topic relevant to the Symposium themes are welcome.

The abstract should include the title of the paper, authors’ names, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone numbers.

The abstract should clearly state the purpose and the conclusions of the full paper.

Please refer to the classification of themes of the Symposium.

In a paragraph of a maximum of 300 words, the abstract shall summarize the adopted method or technique,

the obtained results, their interpretations and usefulness for the practice of geotechnical engineering.

Please send your abstract submission, no later than December 1st, 2024, through the online platform.

Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent to authors by January 6th, 2025.

Detailed instructions will be sent to the authors of the abstracts selected. The final paper will also be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.


Researchers, scientists, manufacturers and practitioners are invited to share their knowledge and experience.


ISP8 will be held from 2 to 5 September 2025 at the University of Luxemburg, Belval Campus, 2, place de l’Université L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg.


Symposium proceedings

All papers accepted by the Scientific Committee shall be published in the Proceedings, which will be available during the Symposium. 


The official languages of the Symposium will be English and French.

Important dates

  • 01/12/2024 – Deadline for Aabstract submission

  • 06/01/2025 – Notice of Abstract acceptance

  • 01/03/2025 – Deadline for Ppaper Submission

  • 01/05/2025 – Notice of paper acceptance

  • 01/06/2025 – Deadline for Ssubmission of final version of the papers

Special announcement

A Ménard Award in memory of Louis Ménard will be delivered to the best paper of the conference.
In addition, a keynote lecture in honour of Michel Gambin will be organized to highlight his contributions to the field of pressuremeter testing in geotechnical characterization and design.

Symposium Themes

The themes of Symposium will be devoted to the following subjects:

  • Pressuremeter Testing Techniques: Advances in methods and equipment used for pressuremeter testing in geotechnical engineering.

  • Soil and Rock Mechanics: Studies on the behaviour of various soil and rock types under pressuremeter testing.

  • Site Investigation and Characterization: Using pressuremeter tests for site investigations to determine soil properties and support foundation design.

  • Data Interpretation and Analysis: Innovative approaches to interpreting pressuremeter test data and improving the accuracy of results.

  • Applications in Foundation Engineering: Using pressuremeter results to design and assess foundations for buildings, bridges, and other infrastructures.

  • Load-Bearing Capacity: Assessing the load-bearing capacity of soils and rocks using pressuremeter tests.

  • Case Studies and Field Applications: Real-world examples of pressuremeter testing applications and the lessons learned from these projects.

  • Comparative Studies: Comparing pressuremeter test results with other geotechnical testing methods to evaluate efficiency and reliability.

  • Standards and Guidelines: Updates on international standards and guidelines for conducting and interpreting pressuremeter tests.

  • Technological Innovations -AI: New technologies and software developments that enhance the capabilities and applications of pressuremeter testing

The Symposium will include State of the Art lectures, sessions for oral presentations and poster sessions.


Exhibition of equipment, products or services stands will be available to professional and industrial participants.

Forms can be downloaded from the website :

Short courses

Several short courses will be organized on the September 2nd & 3rd, 2025 on 4 themes identified, with two “on site” courses about pressuremeter and phicometer:

Ménard Pressuremeter tests:

  • Execution and interpretation
  • Application of Ménard test results to Foundation design
  • Advanced interpretation of pressuremeter tests for soil characterization

Phicometer test:

  • Execution and interpretation
  • Comparison with the interpretation of pressuremeter tests on the same site

Stiff Soil / Soft Rock:

  • Challenges in intermediate geomaterials and the interest of pressuremeters

Soil improvement:

  • Historical aspects and nowadays practice

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